Thanksgiving Decorations Kids Can Make

Holiday Crafts

Thanksgiving is a fantastic holiday! What a spiritual refresh to take a day to contemplate how kind God has been to you and your family over the previous year, providing harvest and shelter, health and hope. Make some holiday projects with your children to make the most of this wonderful occasion. Thanksgiving is frequently pushed aside by Halloween’s eerie décor and Christmas lights and extravaganza. Your home can be decorated for this calmer but more significant holiday with the following holiday crafts.

Turkeys are an obvious choice for holiday décor. A common hobby around this time of year is for a child to trace her hand and then turn the resulting drawing into a turkey. The thumb represents the head, and the fingers represent the tail feathers. While many domestic white turkeys are currently produced for food, the wild brown turkeys eaten by the Pilgrims on the first Thanksgiving were wild. A wild turkey’s tail feathers are dark, yet they are iridescent. capturing the light and giving the appearance of being multi-colored This is why kids paint the tail feathers vivid colors.

Under the beak, there is a wattle on the turkey’s head. This is a red-colored vertical flap of loose skin. Make sure to draw this so that the hand turkey looks like a bird. Add thin legs and bird feet to the mix. When the turkeys are finished, the children can cut them out and hang them on the wall. It’s incredibly cute to make a huge flock of these turkeys in the sizes of everyone’s hands. The small hand shapes are quite adorable.

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A turkey door decoration is another lovely Thanksgiving holiday project to make. Make a turkey body and head out of brown construction paper. Make a lot of colored feather shapes now. Each family member writes something thanks for on a feather before putting it to the turkey’s tail. Repeat with the remaining feathers, and hang the turkey on the front door to greet visitors with a word of thanks. Make a sign to go with the turkey that reads something like “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!” or “Be thankful!” or “We’re thankful for you!” or whatever you like.

Making construction paper chains is a favorite activity among children. Allow children to make a paper chain in fall colors as one of their holiday crafts to further adorn the house for Thanksgiving. Cut 9 by 12-inch construction paper in half along the long side, then cut the halves into one-inch-thick six-inch-long strips. Staple the ends of the strip together to form a circle. Loop and staple the next strip into the circle. Continue the process by alternating brown, red, yellow, and orange colors. When the chains are long enough, you can hang them from the ceiling or stair railing. If you don’t construct the door turkey, the kids can write something thankful for on each strip of paper before gluing it to the door.

Thanksgiving is too lovely a festival to be crowded out by more commercial holidays. You may make this day even more special by crafting seasonal crafts to decorate your home for Thanksgiving. The extended family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and so on, will be delighted to see the holiday crafts the children have prepared to adorn and cheer up the house for their stay.

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